Can I open an instantaneous result file?

Home Forums Running & Solving Can I open an instantaneous result file?

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  • #259
    Leon LaPointeLeon LaPointe

    Hello users of WAM-code,

    I’m trying to open an instantaneous result file while the execution program is going on. I realized that’s possible for the “average result file” (or MED) while program is still working, but if I want to open an instantaneous file while the simulation has not finished yet I have to wait for that. What code instructions I have to introduce for solving that? and where I have to write it?

    Thanks a lot!


    If you open the instantaneous or the average results files with an external program like Excel, the file is blocked and it is not possible to write more information in it. When OpenWAM try to write in it the simulation crash. Now, if you want to open the file, make a copy of the file and open the copy. We will try to modify the code to solve this problem.

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